Tower Ascender is a 2.5D action game submission for ZenoJam 6. I decided for my first game jam to do everything solo in order to understand the difficulties for all parts of the project. The game has been tested and highly recommended to play with a Keyboard + Mouse. Although, it could be possible with a controller but not tested at all and may require external third-party software.

Controls: WASD = Movement, Left Mouse = Fire, Mouse = Aim

To move to the next level, you must eliminate all enemies and continue to the right and enter the transparent green cylinder.

This game revolves around a bright mage hunter tasked to retake a tower from a necromancer. This tower is an important strategic defense point for the hunter's country. The hunter must defeat the four guards in front of the tower, defeat enemies in the intermediate floors, and make it to the top of the tower where they shall defeat the necromancer. Each intermediate floor of the watchtower is filled with randomly generated distribution of enemies. The hunter has only 100 HP and must defeat the boss without any healing.



- Used their platformer kit for the blocks in the first level.

- Used their coins as projectiles for enemies and player in prototyping.

Unity: Game Engine + Documentation

Aseprite: Pixel Art

Blender: 3D Modeling

Youtube: Brackeys, Grant Abbitt, FxHome, and many more for all the helpful tutorial videos.


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yep, solo is hard to concentrate to full aspects of game, but your game look pretty, all in i mean sound graphic and mechanic, i was able to climb the tower


Thanks! I haven't fully updated it with the latest build yet, but I'm glad it looks alright so far.